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The Agilent 66309D dual output mobile communications dc source provides two outputs for testing both the main battery power and the battery charger circuitry, allowing customers to test phones and chargers with the same equipment. This feature helps save on rack space (2 outputs in a half rack box) and eliminates the need for two separate power supplies. Excellent voltage transient response ensures maximum test-system throughput by minimizing device shutdowns due to significant voltage drops in the test wiring. The 66309D dc source provides all of the capabilities of the 66309B with the addition of a built in digital voltmeter. The 66309D offers a new Agilent-developed feature that enables cellular-telephone manufacturers to detect permanently and intermittently open-sense wire connections automatically. Detection of open-sense wire connections allows users to prevent incorrect battery-charger calibration, incorrect test results and low-voltage phone shutdown due to a large transient voltage drop. 特性Ideal for wireless/portable product testBuilt in digital voltmeterDynamic pulse measurementFast transient responsePrecision low current measurementLow-output noiseHigh-speed programmingSCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)GPIB interfaceOpen sense detectVisualize and characterize current and voltage waveforms (requires 14565A Device Characterization Software)For complete details, click on the Product Overview link 上海哲比电子科技有限公司是一家主要致力于仪器仪表维修、仪器仪表销售、二手仪器租赁出售以及微波配件耗材销售的公司。公司秉承着¨、专心、¨的精神,以¨诚信、品质、卓越¨为服务宗旨,为广大客户提供快速的维修及的销售服务深受客户青睐。 上海哲比电子科技有限公司 高价回收各类仪器仪表。回收:示波器、信号发生器、频谱分析仪、直流稳压电源、手持示波表、逻辑分析仪、耐压测试仪等各种测试仪器。品牌:安捷伦(Agilent)、美国泰克(Tektronix)、美国福禄克(fluke)、日本健伍(Kenwood)、日本菊水(Kikusui)、日本岩崎(Iwatsu)、日本日置(HIOKI)、日本日立(HITACHI)、北京普源(Rigol)、台湾固纬(GWinstek)、德国惠美(Hameg)、日本横河(Yokogawa)、美国吉时利(Keithley)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)、美国力科(LeCroy)、美国韦夫特克(Wavetek)、德国罗德施瓦茨(ROHDE
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